Minimal Theme v1.0.3 APK APEX NOVA KitKat
Minimal Theme v1.0.3 APK APEX NOVA KitKat |
The best theme ever for Android devices with minimal largest base of the symbol in this category.
FOR XHDPI. These results may vary with other screen resolutions.
More than 800 thematic programs (900 + applications on this subject) (more added regularly)
application design and implement the changes you dedicated wallpaper (available in the app drawer)
Launched Multimedia (APEX, NOVA, TSF Shell, ADW, Pro Action, holo, SOLO, Atom, and more)
15 HD picture (can be applied by the application)
Symbols app drawer more
Icon is updated every week and every month
Users Go Launcher APK if you happened, then please contact me after the purchase of the object
Applied in the design of the program (supports: Nova, Apex, ADW Launcher story) (more)
Selection of images - Choice of 15 walls
Contact me
Application icons
The purpose of the training
What's new in this version: (Status: March 13, 2014)
added 200 new icons
Add a background offline
Fixed some bugs with UNICON
The required applications Operating System 4.3 +.
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